14 questions about penn state a/pi population
1. How many Asian American students are there on campus and how many
A/PI student groups?
about 4% of 40000 studnet (not including international students!
2. Do you guys typically hang out with all the other ethnicitites and
groups or do you find that your constituents mostly hang out with each
other and why?
3. Re: #2 what I am asking really is is it a really integrated campus
or do kids from each interest/ethnic group hang mostly with each other?
We hang out with our ethnicity. But there are occasionaly few asian kids with a
lot of white kids.
4. How many activities do you plan per year for your group? Does the
school support you?
We plan more than 10 a year. When we need money or advertisement, classrooms,
the school def. supports us.
5. Are you well funded compared to other student groups?
we make all the money we have with fundraisers
6. What is the best thing about your school?
football games, cremery ice cream
7. What is the worst thing about your school?
middle of no where
8. Have there been any campus scandals (people streaking/sexual
scandal/ race incidents/teacher getting fired/people freaking oer
unfair behovior etc) that you can remember since you've been there?
ALOT!! recently one of our lady lion coached was fired due to her discrimination
against lesbians.--- last year, we had a huge incident where a studnet yelled
out rascial slurs out their window in a resident buildiing to the president of
Black Caucus
9. who are more outspoken at your school the asian boys or the asian
girls or both?
girls are very active and out spoken
10. who are penn state's famous alumni?
not really sure
11. how are gay kids treated on your campus? do they have a group
and/or any big events?
Gay kids have big events on campus. We psrticiapte in the national out day and
there are a lot of new articles about gay student rights.
12. Is there a fabulously popular professor that everyone likes?
hmm.. the school is so big that a lot of the students don't know the same
professors. However, spanier is our school president.
13. Where does everyone hang out typically and what is the name of
your cafeteria building?
We hang out at the HUB - our recreation center. That is where the show is going
to be held at.
14. Do the white kids think you are nerds who do math?
hahah I think the white kids don't think too much of us in that way.