Air Guitar Asian American Rulz
I have the great privilege of knowing the Air guitar champions of the world 2003 and 2004 which incidentally were the first years ever that the USA officially joined the race for Air Supremacy. Each year freaks from all over the world compete in their home countries in national competitions then fly to Finland to compete against all these other air guitaristes for the title of International Air Guitar champion. check for footage. I am thrilled nay ecstatic to inform you that MC Chink Daddy under the alias C Diddy won in 2003 as the first US entrant. And the following year, chink-o-rama dancer Seoul Sonyk under the nom de air guitar Sonyk Rok won the whole shit for the USA again. Did they get endorsed? No. National ad campaign, no. I wonder if they were white people if that would be different. Diddy and ROK did get some national TV exposure on Stern and Conan respectively and some good print press too. But somehow their air supremacy didn't cause the kind of stir I believe it might have had they looked more like Wayne and Garth and less like their math tutors. Perhaps I am cynical. and who the hell cares. Point is, all ye people of color looking for your place in American Pop culture, be proud of our two super star Korean American Air Guitar Champions who totally rocked NY, L.A. and then Finland. They busted an old nerd-non rockin stereotype beating out all the long hairs and other desperate basement guitarists to show that asians act real stupid too and can head bang with the rest of yall.